Sensible Sound Solutions

Copyright © Sensible Sound Solutions

NOTE:  The site is still under construction but you're welcome to contact us via phone in the mean time - 314.477.4963.

Welcome to Sensible Sound Solutions.  Your home for quality acoustic materials and design.  Whether you're looking to improve the impact in your man cave, finish off that last bit in your listening room,  build a dedicated home theater, or get your studio to a point you can trust it,  we're here to help.  We can help with the design and materials required for your project. 

We invite you to explore the site and contact us for a free initial consultation to determine what products and services are right for you.  Please bear with us during our website revamp.  We're taking our time to get it exactly right, the same way we will when designing your perfect space. 

Bryan Pape

Owner - Sensible Sound Solutions